“Celebrate Success” A Career Education Event
Enthusiastic career event participants at Cross Keys High School
Celebrate & Educate
We invite women professionals to engage in conversations on their career path, education history, and success with young women in high school. This event will run “speed-dating” style and youth participants will rotate to meet a myriad of professionals from the Atlanta community.
If you are a professional in any field and would like to volunteer for this event please follow this link to sign-up bit.ly/awsuccess19 (please note that space is limited.)
The event will be at Oglethorpe University this year on Saturday Nov 16 from 11am-1pm (this is a ticketed event and free tickets will be sent out upon completion of sign-up.)
Positive Participation
Participants will leave with written feedback on their performance in the mock interview, their attire, and their resume.
Participants can ask open and honest questions of women in the field they wish to enter.
Also participants will receive the contact information of women professionals who they can reach out to for shadowing and future networking opportunities.
If you are at least a junior in high school please sign up here by Nov 12, 2019 (please note that space is limited- priority will be given to students who attend an Athena’s Warehouse partner school.)
Program participants returning as career professionals to a career event at Cross Keys High School
Past program participants who are all recent college graduates, photographed at Oglethorpe University
Motivate, Levitate, Graduate
We conduct this workshop to provide a positive environment for the stress inducing “first professorial interview” which everyone must one day go through. This event also introduces youth to potential mentors and expands their scope of career options. Ultimately, this is a launching point for a series of follow-up workshops where students will work one-on-one on life planning exercises with recent college graduates.
For more information about the event please email us at info@athenaswarehouse.org