This page contains videos linked to our YouTube page, please consider subscribing to our YouTube channel for video updates.
Career Day 2015
Students practice their interview skills with strong female role models across a wide range of professions.
Inner Me Series
The Inner Me Series fosters healthier minds, bodies, and self-esteem through a combination of journaling and yoga practice. Shot by Chuan Fu, a 2013 participant and our spring 2015 intern.
Bibi's Story
2013 scholarship winner Bibi speaks about her personal battle with depression and an eating disorder.
Brenda & Noemi
2013 Empowerment Scholars Brenda and Noemi talk about their struggles and successes.
Athena's Warehouse and MINT
Athena's Warehouse teams up with MINT Gallery to clean up the Atlanta BeltLine and make art.
Cathy: Proud Of Being a Woman
Cathy, our first scholarship winner from 2011, reads her winning essay.